So many rules...

Your company deals with rules and regulations to prevent damage and injury. This is important, and a major challenge. Every rule comes with administrative responsibilities. Your staff is preoccupied with papers and forms, in cabinets and on spreadsheets. But how can you be a 100% sure everything happens correctly? Who did what, and when? Or if everything is in order after a calamity?

...but who takes care of them?

OKcomply offers a digital archive of all your company’s assets. It automatically plans the conduct of tests and inspections while rules and regulations are integrated. Anyone who acts in relation to your company knows exactly what to do. No one acts without purpose. You can track all this on a straightforward dashboard where you see what is necessary at this moment. Comply with the rules proactively.

Assurance, overview, and looking Ahead to

checks and inspections



Experience the advantages of OKcomply instantly


No More Binders

All your company’s mandatory and voluntary inspections are stored safely and neatly in the cloud from now on. Access your documents anywhere and anytime from your computer, tablet or smartphone. This way you are in control and all your documentation is right where you need it.


Receive Notifications and Manage Work Orders

Every accountable person within your organization knows what to do and at what time. You conveniently and safely share work orders, maps, documents and everything that makes work easier. It saves you in time, loss of knowhow and costs.



Everything 100% in Order

With OKcomply your organization can be 100% O.K. You decide who gets access to which information, from your employees to the authorities. This way you can prove your compliance at all times.


A Beautiful, Clean Interface

A situation is either right or wrong. OKcomply was developed from field experience. By the user, for the user. No more complicated charts, you will know exactly what to do. OKcomply works in all modern browsers, on your computer, tablet or smartphone. 


A Beautiful, Modern Interface

Entrepreneurs want to spend their time doing what they love: business. OKcomply adapts to your way of doing things. Developed to save you time that you can spend on what you do best.



Inspections Visualized in a Clear Way

You can find all mandatory and voluntary inspections in your dashboard. You get notifications for all your planned inspections at an interval of your choice. You will always know who does what and what is done already


Assets Displayed According to Your Preferences

OKcomply displays your company assets clearly and visually according to your personal preferences. Your resources are linked to corresponding rules and regulations. If the laws change you will know instantly, so you can stay proactive.


Your Digital Log Updated Automatically

All your certificates, manuals, maps, inspection reports, and photo’s are displayed clearly. Use one of our templates or make your own document structure for an optimal arrangement.


Supply Elaborate Roles and Permissions

Who sees and does what? You decide who has access to your administration and when. Add an unlimited amount of users and decide what permissions they have. Cooperate orderly and utilize your employees’ full capabilities.


Optimal Workflow, No Matter What Place or Device

You are no longer bound to one location or device. OKcomply functions on your mobile, tablet and your computer. Bring your workload to where you need it.


OKcomply Saves


OKcomply Saves You Time

At OKcomply we don’t do things because just they are possible, but because they work. Anybody is able to use OKcomply, employees and inspectors. They only see what they are permitted access to.


OKcomply Saves You Money

OKcomply saves you money, through the use of best practices and smart combinations in the system. On average you can save up to 80% on hours searching and loss of knowhow. On top of that you no longer miss inspections, so no more fines!


OKcomply Saves You Risks

Due to the Safety by design principle you don’t have to worry about security. All your data are encrypted according to the latest standards and protected under Dutch law. What is yours stays yours.


OKcomply Saves You Worries

No more surprises with OKcomply. Good for you and good for society. If we take care of connected compliance together, we will make the world a little safer!
