For Whom Is OKcomply?
Everyone who deals with regular inspections and supervision deals with co-workers, companies and institutions. They all use different methods to execute and check these inspections. OKcomply enables all participants to cooperate in a safe and uniform manner and share their data. This way we make rules an regulations managable and we take care of a clearer, cleaner and safer world.
OKcomply is there for you!
For Entrepreneurs With High Standards
The entrepreneur's role is evident: company assets have to comply to regulations, simple as that. But who knows these regulations? And who is left empty-handed in case of calamity? Entrepreneurs were the first people to see the relief of OKcomply. Never late for inspections, always aware of the state of your assets. Urgent maintenance question? Create a work receipt and your staff knows exactly what to do. Through a smart log it is clearer than ever who has which responsibility.
This makes OKcomply THE answer to increasing regulatory pressure.
For Inspectors Who Want to Work Smarter
Inspectors and installers embraced OKcomply as the platform that makes their work easier and clearer. Gone are the days of looking for forms and for who did what and when. Everything concerning a company's asset is neatly available and traceable on the spot. Work receipts are uniform and provide the information that is needed. When rules or protocols change, you can adapt OKcomply with a simple action so your employees will not face any problems. Do you have multiple clients? Grant access to shared assets and work together in a smarter way. Experience the convenience of OKcomply for yourself.
Assurance, overview, looking ahead.
For Authorities Who Have to Do What Is Necessary
OKcomply stands for cooperation with all parties. The owner of the company assets keeps check of who can see what and for how long. Authorities get access to the parts that are requested. The use of OKcomply is a sign that an entrepreneur takes compliance with rules and regulations in his company seriously. The uniform approach of the platform grants institutions and authorities the possibility to carry out their core tasks with less nuisance on both sides.
For Everyone Who Wants to Work Together on a Higher Service Level
OKcomply stroomlijnt het hele inspectieproces met de bijbehorende beslissingsboom. Ondernemers die producten leveren die aan keuringen of inspecties onderhevig zijn maken graag gebruik van OKcomply. Zo helpen ze hun klanten efficiënt en bedrijfszeker te opereren. Onderhoud kan worden gepland en periodieke afspraken zijn aan beide kanten duidelijk en verifieerbaar. Documenten zijn altijd en overal beschikbaar voor iedereen die ze nodig heeft. Gemak voor jou én je klant.
OKcomply streamlines the whole inspection process with the all corresponding branches of decision making. Entrepreneurs who are subject to regular inspections love to use OKcomply. It helps customers to operate efficiently and confidently. Maintenance can be planned and periodical agreements are clear and verifiable on both sides. Documents are available always and everywhere, for everyone who needs them. Convenience for you AND your customer